
April 20, 2010

Another poem about my second girlfriend, but with better imagery.

Lightning seems to me a twisting,
Luminous snake that crawls down
From the heavens to the earth.
Thunder is that whip-
When the snake stretches itself out
Too far.
And then there are the torrents
Of wind, crying in conflict.

But even now as this vision is
Held in my mind, the clouds clear.
The lightning becomes her bright smile,
The stars the twinkle in her eyes.
Out of a fading night comes forth
My love, beautiful as the summer night sky.

But love is a storm.
The wind picks up again, and the
Rain streaks down my face,
Mixing with salt-water sorrows.
The clouds have covered her face now,
And the lightning strikes the
Fragile, broken pieces of
A shattered heart.

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